A great line!


Saturday, January 21, 2012

2011 Comes to a Close

I must say that this year of 2011 has been full of heart ache, stress and pain.  I had to help my boy dog Bogie cross over to the other side, my sweet Typsie cat ran away from home and then I found her lifeless body under a bus bench, and then there was the diagnoses of my breast cancer along with all the treatments, recovery, and insurance woes.  Dealing with all of the emotion has been such a growing experience for me.  Receiving the kindness and loving help of others has been simply overwhelming.  Simply.

All that being said and done, when you ask me what happened in 2011, I will tell you that I had a bright light brought into my life.  A rambunctious boy dog named Ozzie who was delivered to me on a cloud.  I will tell you that I had a strong and loving man at my side.  A caring, sweet hearted man named Richard that has been my emotional sponge.  I spill it all out and he wipes it all up.  I don't know how he does it.  Thank you to the big Universe that sent him my way.  I will tell you that I have the best friends that anyone can ask for...full of more love.

So to the year 2011, I say "Thank you."

Taken BC...still had my hair, still had a puppy that I could hold!

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