July 2011--life is all about Ozzie the puppy.
August 2011--life is still about Ozzie and the size of his paws.
September 2011--start out with a birthday celebration for MyMan. Put an Int.Ch title (baby class) on Ozzie. Got my annual mammogram. Got diagnosed with breast cancer. WTF?
October 2011--had my cancer removed. Celebrated Halloween as a cat. Who does this after cancer surgery with the anticipation of chemo and radiation???
December 2011--Start chemo. Lose my hair. Celebrate Christmas. Master how to wrap a turban on my head. Eat.
January 2012--Um...chemo...and...I dunno. I lost the month of January. I gained a ton of weight.
February 2012--Chemo final treatment. Valentine's Day was sickly. Started radiation.
March 2012--Continue with daily radiation. Except for weekends. Cancer takes weekends off dontchyaknow.
May 2012--Mammogram shows that I am clear of cancer! Eat to celebrate!
June 2012--Go to NY to become a Goddess.
July 2012--Here we are. A year later. I'm now all about juicing, organic, clean eating, and eating a plant based diet. MyMan is still by my side, my dogs are healthy and with me. Strangers comment on how stylish my hair is and I still feel the need to spew out, "I had chemo." Poor people. I guess it's time to stop sharing that bit of info. The poor girl at Sephora today said, "Well congratulations!" What? "It grew back!". Awkward moment...
I love my life.
Happy Birthday! It's good to have another one, eh? And many more! On my 46th birthday (last Feb) I shaved my head :-) Diagnosed in October, 2 breast surgeries, Brachytherapy over Christmas, 3 port surgeries, chemo from Jan-April. Now my hair is growing back. It's amazing what the body and soul can go through and come back kicking. You look fabulous, like a goddess!
Wow Lisa, you've been to your own personal hell and back, haven't you?! Three port surgeries? I think I'd have to put a fork in my eye.
Did you get Crazy Sexy yet? The book...not asking about your personal life!
you are an inspiration.you have a big heart
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